energyARK invests in a fully integrated end to end software solution!


After extensive research and analysis, a fully integrated software solution has been selected and implemented at energyARK.

The dream is that you enter information once and have it flow through the business cycle, right?

For corporations with big budgets, this might be achieved through a costly enterprise level ‘one stop shop’, but for a start up?

Thankfully technology has evolved and integrations are a way to take the best of the best in each area and have them work in synchrony.

From CRM to profit and loss statement, via Project Management, time & expenses and invoicing, we have chosen and integrated three household name software solutions, each offering the best fit for us for their part in the flow of business.

Hubspot, our CRM, enables marketing and contacts to develop into opportunities and sales. Company and deal information flows seamlessly on from there, through an integration, to our Project Management tool.

Projectworks, a PSA tool, receives notification from the CRM when a deal hits a certain point and it goes to work – automatically setting up a project using all of the data input/ collected on the deal to date, to enable our team to start recording their effort developing the potential project to its next stage. The scope is defined through a work breakdown structure, resourcing defined and a schedule applied to enable accurate pricing estimates to be built. Once there, the click of a button generates a full quotation for our customer – just a methodology to add if required. If the offer is successful, another click of a button takes all of that data and converts it into a fully planned, forecast, resourced, live project, ready to roll. We use the tool throughout the project to track and manage the whole project – budget, resourcing, schedule, commercials. – the team recording their time and expenses through it on their laptop or mobile when on the go, management insights coming through dashboards and a myriad of available reports. Invoicing starts here and flows through to our accounting system Xero, again through a deep two way integration; AR tracking, margin, payments status all returned to the project dashboards, all the data that you need to successfully run or work on projects.

Xero is the accounting software, enabling tax accounts to be maintained, the team to get paid and end of year accounts to be filed. The two way integration with projectworks enables real time project margin tracking and company wide expenditure tracking against budget, generating full accounts and profit and loss. Xero is also integrated to our bank account to give us real time cash and AR visibility, helping us stay on track, up to date and healthy.

We have been given excellent support getting to this happy place by;

the team at who have been excellent – a growing company originated in NZ.

Howard and team at our accountants and partners in business.

Tim and the crew at who have helped us pull this all together.

What a great feeling – technology working for us to provide increased efficiency, consistency, transparency, quality, improved user experience, confidence and decision making whilst reducing data input, error, frustration.