energyARK exists to provide a positive, nurturing, high performance team culture and growth environment for experts in their respective fields. A fair, wholesome, enriching, ‘safe space’ that enables us to live and learn from one another whilst pursuing the projects that excite us and move the world toward a better future.

As well as caring about each other, our team are invested in the planet and the people on it. We want to lead the change towards a sustainable world through regenerative leadership and business; taking inspiration from the wisdom of nature and seeking to create the conditions for new life.

At energyARK, our mission is to
'Build cool stuff, with care'.
We are committed to collaborating to build a better future.

What do we mean by this and how do we make it a reality?

What do we mean ‘build cool stuff’?

We help clients to create – this might be literally to build a thing, but can often be taken in its broader meaning. We help our clients to progress their projects, wherever we are best placed to provide support.

We love solving problems and working on interesting things – a wide definition, we know! Perhaps it’s new technology, or complex systems, using novel applications, or studies, analysis, tools, and development projects. This also has a human dimension – working on how businesses operate, their processes and teams.

What do we mean by ‘with care’?

In a literal sense, we take care in what we do – the quality of our output matters to us. In a non-literal sense, the scope is much broader.

Care for People

Humans are all unique and have different needs, motivators, passions, skills, abilities, limitations, habits, constraints, qualities – the list goes on. We need the opportunity of challenge to grow. We all need love and respect to be truly happy. energyARK seeks to revel in this diversity, creating the opportunity for growth and happiness in a space in which team members are valued, seen, heard and supported, offering flexibility and choice within the bounds of possibility.

Care for Team

Teams enable a result greater than the sum of the parts when they are working well, and the converse if they are not. At energyARK, the concept of ‘team’ takes centre stage – it is the glue that holds us together and helps us perform. For us, ‘care for team’ applies equally to the energyARK team, our clients and our communities – we are all one.

Care for Planet

This planet is the only one we have. We have dramatically changed our activities on it and relationship with it over the past few centuries.

We see the energy transition as an essential part of the change needed to return balance to our world and achieve sustainability. We will seek to deliver work that moves the transition forwards, accepting that it is a transition rather than a step change. We will look to broaden our impact where possible to encompass the wider aspects of sustainability – to restore, regenerate, engage in and promote ecosystemic thinking.